Monday, January 19, 2009

Its been fun.

Well today was the last regular day of semester 1 of my grade eleven year. I have been continuing to say how I can't wait until this semester is over with and semester two begins when really what do I have to complain about besides math. To be completely honest i have thoroughly enjoyed this semester, and am quite sad that it is at it's end. Lets look at things realistically shall we, Strings- It has been quite entertaining and enjoyable and I am going to miss starting off my morning with that class, running down the hall as O'Canada is is just beginning and sliding in the door just on time. I am also going to miss having Mr.Glover as my teacher because he is always an interesting way to start off any day. Next we move onto Peer helping. Oh Peer helping. For some strange reason I am going to miss all 32 grade nines in that class, some more than others but hey I'm only human. Helping out Mr. Gailits for the past 4 and a half months has been a lot of fun and I would not hesitate to do it all over again and am going to miss having him as a teacher. Alright now here is where things got a little rough. My afternoon, beginning with Math Class, every teenagers worst nightmare, besides Catt of course. Let's just say I survived and am really not going to miss a whole lot about that class besides getting the evil eye from a special someone because I asked a question, but that is another story. Moving on shall we. Com Tech or as Catt and I would say Technology Class. Lets just say I am going to miss a lot of things specifically people. Well Miss Bellingham you make the list finishing at number one, without Catt next to me in this class I would have not made it through. Sharing our life stories in an hour and ten minutes is not easy but we managed. Oh the boys on the flip side to Matt thanks for getting me kicked out of class because of your laugh, Paully thanks for laughing at basically everything I say and Ahmad my brother from another mother, the boy who use to sit in the corner of the class alone and me and Catt would say who is that poor boy man your lucky Larock changed the seating plan or you might have never met me and boy what a shame that might have been. Bethany, I am going to miss you asking me questions then rolling your eyes at my silly answers! Last but not least Larocky, lets just say we have had quite the semester together and I will never forget you as a teacher but more importantly as a person. So semester one has been fun, however its time for something new so I say bring on semester two. Anthropology, Gym, English and Music, beware because Justine is coming!

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