Thursday, January 15, 2009

Learn how to deal.

Friendships, we all have them and have had them during are lives, some are stronger than others and some you wish you have never gotten yourself into in the first place. I never know what to say when I look at her these days, why have we let things get this bad could be a start. Or maybe why do you never seem to care or want to work things out. It is hard enough having problems in your life that you can’t deal with alone and the first thing you want to do is tell your friend, but what do you do when your friend is the one who is the problem and doesn’t care enough to want to fix it. Apparently you do nothing and wait for time to takes its place and let everything blow over on its own. However that is not the way I like to deal with my problems, I would prefer to talk it out and fix whatever is going on. Doing nothing about it only leads to more and more anger and disappointment building up inside of me and not knowing when but knowing that one day all of that anger and disappointment is going to start showing through my thick skin and take control over me. Why now you might be wondering, why this time and this problem, because it’s either now or never.

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