Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Clarke (Home)

As most of you may already know I am not suppose to be attending Clarke based on my address which is Bowmanville, but when we moved a year and a half ago i was given the choice by my parents to either go to CCSS and be able to take the bus to and from school or stay at Clarke and have my parents drive me daily. So with little to know hesitation i choose to stay at Clarke and here is the many reasons why I choose to stay and why I love my school.

Even though I know that I am a social and outgoing person and would not have too hard of a time fitting in at a new school it would be to hard to leave my dear friends, I have seen people who change schools and move away and say that they are going to keep in touch and that they will never forget you but in most cases it doesn't happen and my friends mean to much to me to loose them. Next, I love going to a small school, being able to know the name of almost every student that attends is something that makes me think of my school as my second family. The people at Clarke are also very accepting and even though some may disagree with me, Clarke is a very accepting school which i find is such an important aspect for a school to have.

Yes okay you may be thinking to yourself every school has teachers, true. However the teachers that teach at Clarke is a big part of the reason as to why I have chosen to stay. Sure there are the good ones and the bad, that I know will be the same at every school but the ones that will make a difference in your life will be easily found at Clarke. One of my teachers once said to me, "I am a person first a teacher second." I always think to myself inside every teacher is a mother or father, a sister or brother, a coach or pilot, a friend or a loved one. They are people, people that I know have made such a difference and have had such a large impact in my life. The teachers at Clarke also most likely know you, know your personality but more importantly your name, which is a lot more than some people can say about the teachers at there school. I am not going to lie I do have favourite teachers and the ones that we will remember forever. My favourite teachers know who they are, and know why they are and if not I will tell you. It is because you care, care enough to ask me how I am doing when I am having a rough day, ask me what I am up to for the weekend just to know, give me advice on what to do in life, joke around with me, tell me stories about your life, and finally make me feel comfortable enough to be myself. Oh yeah and being a good teacher helps too! Now you might look at teachers in a different way, possibly have more respect for them, or just think I am crazy for getting to know my teachers and knowing that they have a life outside the walls of Clarke High School.

I love athletics and when making my decision of weather or not to stay at Clarke I kept in mind about the Raiders. I love to play school sports, It's just who I am. Even if its not a sport that I excel at I try out anyways because they keep me busy and Fit and it is a great way to meet new people. The thing about Clarke is that because of the low numbers at the school your chances to be on multiple sports teams is a lot higher. Sports are just another reason as to why I love my school.

A lot of you may be thinking to yourselves really? Wanting to stay at Clarke over a school that is bran new and has a lot more options? You may think that its strange and the wrong choice when to tell you the truth I love it, I spend more time there then I do at my house and I have no regrets to my decision. I love my school don't try and convince me otherwise.

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