Thursday, January 15, 2009

You know your crazy when ...

We have all heard it. Everyone says it. "Oh what a long day." It must have come out of your mouth once in your life time, I know its come out of mine. Lets rewind back a bit shall we. Finally settling on what I am going to wear I do my hair, brush my teeth, pack my lunch and am on my way to the car for another day of school. I walk through the main doors of Clarke just as I would do any other day and mossie my way on up to my locker where I spend sometime with my morning crew of friends. First period not all that interesting played the violin and practiced for my ensamble that I have to present the next day. Second period rolls around and all I can think about is oh no Shakespeare. After all that was over with I classify my morning as officially over and my afternoon finally beginning. I went out to lunch with a friend who I had not seen in quite sometime and after that was over and done with I went back to my second home Clarke where I then went through third and fourh period. Now my night is just beginning. Today I luckly had somethings to keep me busy untill six-thirty I finished my project and watched the boys play some basketball taking home two solid victories by the way. After that I went upstairs to my locker spread out my blanket and pillow plugged in my ipod and took a nap right in the middle of the hall on the floor where I do some of my best thinking. Then the clock stikes six and I head back on down to the gym where my volleyball team mates are just ariving, after three hours it is time to take down the nets and call it a day at clarke. From eight thrity in the morning to nine thirty at night my thirteen hour day is officially over at clarke and I finally leave my "Home" to go home knowing that I will be back in eleven hours to start another day. So mabye you might think twice the next time you say, 'Oh what a long day.'

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